4 Unique capabilities of Indigo Children

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capabilities of Indigo Children
Just as difficult to accept common sense, unique ability of indigo children are often overlooked. Most people find it difficult to understand that indigo children can read minds, see the events that have occurred or even cure the disease.
"The most exposed are interdimensional abilities. Fact that the humanist, humanity is high, it is actually rare (exposed),"
In general there are four types of indigo children abilities and skills children can vary. :

The four types of capabilities indigo children are as follows:

According to Dr. Erwin, this capability is most often exposed because for most people hard to accept common sense. Examples of this type include the ability to see and communicate with spirits.

2. Humanist
This ability is related to humanity, so it is not too controversial. Indigo children with the ability to have a unique way of communicating with other people and be more sensitive to the feelings of others.

3. Conceptualist
Indigo children who have this ability often have a concept or idea that is difficult to understand by others.

4. Artist
Type of indigo children abilities this one stands out in art. Works of art produced by the indigo children tend nuanced spiritual abilities, such as poetry that many talk about spirits.

Related interdimensional abilities, let's take the example of one of the advantages of indigo children called clairvoyance. Derived from the French language, this means the ability to see the events happening in other places at the same time.There is also the ability to pre-cognition, to see events that have not happened in a place. Opposite is post-cognition or often called retro-cognition or see what happened in the past, in a new place was first visited.

Indigo children are generally too smart intellectually, so it is often faster than others in completing tasks at school. As a result he had more time to spare, and activism itself and ultimately mistaken hyperactivity. Most of indigo children can see things before they happen or is able to see spirits that can not be seen by the eye. This spiritual abilities in the area of ​​ESP (Extra Sensory Perception).

"It's mostly baby has the ability to see supernatural creatures. But with age, the ability will disappear. Yet the indigo children abilities can not be lost,"

In children, loss of ability to feel magical creatures because it is widely studied in the development of mathematics and science, whereas the indigo children because she has ESP abilities, which exceeds the capabilities of the human sensory perception.

formerly eastern culture has always taught to do contemplation and meditation to hone things like a sixth sense. But actually indigo is a born trait and can not be learned, as well as abilities also can not be trained.

In general, the sixth sense or ESP can be divided into 4 categories :
  1. Telepathy is the ability to transfer thoughts to others (mind to mind communication) without having to know the limits of space.
  2. Clairvoyance is the ability to feel and medengar events in the past or what has happened.
  3. Precognition is the ability to know the events that will occur in the future or has not happened.
  4. Psychokinetik which affects the ability of an incident that happened just by using his mind alone.
Indogo child is a god gift.. 

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