How to heal headache and nausea

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headache and nauseaWho has never experienced headaches and nausea. Even little kids can experience it. Sometimes some even most people (majority) think the headaches are not one thing or serious harm, even most people assume that headache as one of the common mild disease. But without knowing that headache or when a person experiences a headache could have been mistaken for another, such as one of the signs that a headache is a sign of serious illness.

Headaches are usually not life-threatening. However, a very serious headache could be a sign of something much more serious and requires emergency treatment. There are at least three types of headaches that require emergency treatment. Symptoms of the disease such as stroke, aneurysm (bleeding from blood vessels) is usually a headache. So it's good to keep an eye headache that feels very different from regular headaches.
"Dizziness unusual symptoms mean blood vessel abnormalities in the brain that has begun to leak a little. Condition can change, causing severe bleeding and can be life threatening,".
Here are three signs of a headache that requires medical treatment immediately :

1. Headache and neck pain accompanied by fever
Headaches accompanied by pain or stiffness in the neck and fever can be a sign of meningitis. Meningitis or inflammation of the lining of the central nervous system could rapidly become critical. Typical symptoms are fever, headache and muscle stiffness in the neck that lasts for hours or be felt up to 2 days.

2. Headaches accompanied by nausea

Serious nausea or vomiting accompanied by neurological disorders such as difficulty speaking or walking can be signs of hemorrhagic stroke, that stroke with bleeding in the brain. Damage caused by stroke can occur very quickly, either because of bleeding or because of increased fluid pressure on the brain. Bleeding in the brain tissue can lead to death.

3. The most serious headaches that have never felt before

Regular headache is fairly painless. But if you have a headache that feels the worst of which had never experienced before, it could be a sign of aneurysm. Aneurysm is leaking or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Seepage of blood that soaks the brain causes the patient only complained of dizziness. But over time, blood can seep into the blood flood in the brain. This is what causes the sufferer died suddenly
4 Foods that can relieve headaches and nausea

Disorders that often we feel pain, including headaches, may actually be solved easily. Try changing food consumption patterns of foods with added pain relief. It works, blocking inflammatory signals and increasing oxygen to the brain chemistry so that we feel better. These types of foods are recommended :

- Paprika
Untuk mendapatkan rasa pedas, tambahkan irisan paprika pada masakan. Buah ini mengandung bahan aktif capsaicin yang dapat merangsang produksi endorphin untuk mengurangi rasa sakit dan kecemasan. "Capsaicin juga dapat memblokir transmisi sinyal rasa sakit dan menghambat pelepasan enzim prostaglan yang meningkatkan rasa nyeri," 

- Cherries
In one study, Nair and other researchers found that cherry extract has natural ingredients to reduce inflammation. This material is 10 times more effective than aspirin. "Cherries contain compounds called anthocyanins that give the red color on the fruit, these compounds also serve to ease the pain." However, this fruit can not be consumed together with bits, which would only kill compounds in cherries work.
- Soybean
If you have osteoarthritis, you can reduce this pain by increasing protein intake through soy. "Soy contains natural estrogens called isoflavones that can alleviate ill effects of estrogen."

- Ginger
This herb has been used since 2000 years ago to overcome the nausea, headaches, and prevent motion sickness. New research finds when ginger was also able to relieve knee osteoarthtis. Those who regularly consume ginger drink for six weeks proved to have a smaller risk of illness. This is because antioxidants that ginger may reduce inflammation.

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